Saturday, July 24, 2010

Feature on Self Magazine's Website

So yesterday I was going through my Google Analytics, as I do almost everyday.  And I decided to take a peek at the Referring Sites section.  This section is a little irritating at times.  It lists all these referring sites, you click on them and then you can't find where your link is or any mention of you at all.  So, most of them time I just browse through this area. 

Well, yesterday I started clicking on the links and I just so happened to click on a link from  Well, when it opened up there was blog titled, "Pamper Your Body With These 6 Healthy Finds".  So, I look around the page before I read the blog and I realize it's SELF MAGAZINE!!!!  Which is a huge magazine, you can find them at all the grocery stores, book stores...anywhere that sells magazines.  By this time I have goose bumps all over and can hardly even read the darn blog cause I am so excited!  Click HERE to read the blog.

I'm just so excited to be recognized!  And for all you that are wondering...yes, this mat that they featured did sell!

1 comment:

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